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All text and images on this site copyright saxforte (2003)

keilwerth brand

Keilwerth Saxophones

Julius Keilwerth went from an independent company to ownership by Boosey and Hawkes in 1989, then by The Rutland Group a.k.a.The Music Group (an investor group) in 2003 who subsequently spun the company off and filed for insolvency in 2010. Later in 2010 Keilwerth was sold to Buffet Group of France. Saxforte sold many Keilwerth saxophones during 2 periods of time and we ceased selling them both times due to quality issues which, in our opinion, were excessive both in their nature and in the frequency of their occurrence. Based on our more recent examination of their saxophones, our observation of the level of current quality level, and their dealer support policy, we do have elected to not offer Keilwerth products for sale.